| 8/26/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/26/2024 7:16:19 PM |
| 8/26/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/26/2024 7:16:40 PM |
| 8/26/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart White A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/26/2024 7:14:59 PM |
| 8/26/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart White A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/26/2024 7:15:29 PM |
| 8/27/2024 | Tue | 6:30 PM | JV | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/27/2024 7:00:01 PM |
| 8/27/2024 | Tue | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 8/27/2024 6:42:11 PM |
| 8/28/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart Black A @ Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A | St. Mary's | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 8/12/2024 10:39:01 AM |
| 8/30/2024 | Fri | 6:30 PM | JV | Seelos Blue A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 8/30/2024 7:29:00 PM |
| 8/30/2024 | Fri | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Seelos Blue A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/30/2024 7:29:22 PM |
| 9/4/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/4/2024 6:09:46 PM |
| 9/4/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | Ave Maria Blue A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/4/2024 6:21:07 PM |
| 9/4/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Ave Maria Blue A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/4/2024 6:21:29 PM |
| 9/4/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | Varsity | Guardian Angel White A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/4/2024 4:43:25 PM |
| 9/5/2024 | Thu | 6:30 PM | JV | St. Louise Green A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/6/2024 6:41:05 PM |
| 9/5/2024 | Thu | 7:30 PM | Varsity | St. Louise Green A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/7/2024 3:47:55 AM |
| 9/6/2024 | Fri | 6:30 PM | JV | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/7/2024 3:46:49 AM |
| 9/6/2024 | Fri | 7:30 PM | Varsity | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/7/2024 3:47:14 AM |
| 9/8/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 9/8/2024 12:37:55 PM |
| 9/8/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 9/8/2024 12:38:08 PM |
| 9/8/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | Varsity | St. Louise Green A @ Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A | St. Mary's | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/8/2024 2:45:26 PM |
| 9/8/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | St. Kilian Green A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 9/8/2024 12:23:16 PM |
| 9/8/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | St. Kilian Green A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/8/2024 12:23:38 PM |
| 9/9/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Guardian Angel White A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/11/2024 4:33:54 PM |
| 9/11/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart Black A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/11/2024 4:33:02 PM |
| 9/11/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart Black A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/11/2024 7:23:26 PM |
| 9/11/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/11/2024 6:24:12 PM |
| 9/12/2024 | Thu | 6:30 PM | JV | Seelos Blue A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/12/2024 7:18:30 PM |
| 9/12/2024 | Thu | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Seelos Blue A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/19/2024 6:34:16 PM |
| 9/15/2024 | Sun | 6:00 PM | Varsity | Guardian Angel White A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/15/2024 6:10:44 PM |
| 9/15/2024 | Sun | 3:00 PM | Varsity | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A | St. Mary's | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/15/2024 6:11:33 PM |
| 9/15/2024 | Sun | 3:00 PM | JV | Seelos Blue A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/15/2024 6:12:20 PM |
| 9/15/2024 | Sun | 4:00 PM | Varsity | Seelos Blue A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/15/2024 6:29:46 PM |
| 9/16/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/16/2024 5:33:11 PM |
| 9/16/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/16/2024 5:33:31 PM |
| 9/16/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | St. Kilian Green A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/16/2024 5:44:14 PM |
| 9/16/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | St. Kilian Green A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/19/2024 5:47:38 PM |
| 9/19/2024 | Thu | 6:30 PM | JV | St. Louise Green A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/19/2024 6:33:23 PM |
| 9/19/2024 | Thu | 7:30 PM | Varsity | St. Louise Green A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 8/12/2024 10:39:00 AM |
| 9/20/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A | St. Mary's | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/21/2024 6:30:17 PM |
| 9/22/2024 | Sun | 3:00 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart White A @ Guardian Angel White A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/22/2024 4:16:40 PM |
| 9/22/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | St. Louise Green A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/22/2024 2:39:15 PM |
| 9/22/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | St. Louise Green A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/22/2024 2:39:32 PM |
| 9/22/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/22/2024 2:36:18 PM |
| 9/22/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | South Hills Catholic Blue A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/22/2024 2:38:29 PM |
| 9/23/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | St. Kilian Green A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/23/2024 6:07:07 PM |
| 9/23/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | St. Kilian Green A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/23/2024 6:07:26 PM |
| 9/23/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | Varsity | Guardian Angel White A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/23/2024 6:08:02 PM |
| 9/23/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/23/2024 6:08:18 PM |
| 9/25/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/25/2024 6:24:26 PM |
| 9/25/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/25/2024 6:24:50 PM |
| 9/26/2024 | Thu | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart Black A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/26/2024 4:39:26 PM |
| 9/26/2024 | Thu | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart Black A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/26/2024 5:59:35 PM |
| 9/27/2024 | Fri | 7:00 PM | JV | Ave Maria Blue A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/27/2024 4:50:44 PM |
| 9/27/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | Ave Maria Blue A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/28/2024 8:02:03 AM |
| 9/29/2024 | Sun | 3:00 PM | Varsity | Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A @ Guardian Angel White A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 8/12/2024 10:39:01 AM |
| 9/29/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/29/2024 1:04:37 PM |
| 9/29/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 9/29/2024 1:05:15 PM |
| 9/30/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Ave Maria Blue A @ Guardian Angel White A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 9/10/2024 8:48:08 AM |
| 9/30/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/30/2024 6:58:50 PM |
| 9/30/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 9/30/2024 6:59:15 PM |
| 10/2/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart White A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 10/2/2024 5:44:42 PM |
| 10/2/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart White A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/2/2024 5:45:13 PM |
| 10/4/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A | St. Mary's | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/6/2024 7:11:07 AM |
| 10/4/2024 | Fri | 7:00 PM | JV | St. Kilian Green A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/6/2024 7:09:35 AM |
| 10/4/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | St. Kilian Green A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/6/2024 7:09:55 AM |
| 10/6/2024 | Sun | 3:00 PM | Varsity | St. Kilian Green A @ Guardian Angel White A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/6/2024 2:38:03 PM |
| 10/6/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | Ave Maria Blue A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/6/2024 2:40:05 PM |
| 10/6/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | Ave Maria Blue A @ Sacred Heart White A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/7/2024 6:55:07 PM |
| 10/7/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 10/7/2024 6:56:52 PM |
| 10/7/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ Seelos Blue A | Seelos Academy Ryan Center | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/7/2024 6:57:20 PM |
| 10/7/2024 | Mon | 6:30 PM | JV | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/7/2024 6:56:01 PM |
| 10/7/2024 | Mon | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Mother of Mercy Blue A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/7/2024 6:56:21 PM |
| 10/8/2024 | Tue | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart Black A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 8/12/2024 10:39:00 AM |
| 10/8/2024 | Tue | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart Black A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 8/12/2024 10:39:00 AM |
| 10/11/2024 | Fri | 7:00 PM | JV | Sacred Heart White A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/11/2024 4:51:22 PM |
| 10/11/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart White A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/12/2024 6:54:43 PM |
| 10/12/2024 | Sat | 7:00 PM | Varsity | Seelos Blue A @ Guardian Angel White A | Guardian Angel Academy | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 10/12/2024 6:13:17 PM |
| 10/13/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | JV | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 1-2 | Past | | 10/13/2024 2:07:52 PM |
| 10/13/2024 | Sun | 3:30 PM | Varsity | Holy Cross Blue Hawks A @ St. Louise Green A | St. Louise | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/13/2024 2:08:18 PM |
| 10/13/2024 | Sun | 1:00 PM | JV | Sacred Heart Black A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/13/2024 1:00:52 PM |
| 10/13/2024 | Sun | 2:00 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart Black A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/13/2024 1:01:17 PM |
| 10/13/2024 | Sun | 4:30 PM | Varsity | Blessed Trinity Bulldogs A @ Ave Maria Blue A | Ave Maria Academy | Section | 2-1 | Past | | 10/14/2024 6:33:07 PM |
| 10/16/2024 | Wed | 8:00 PM | Varsity | Guardian Angel White A @ Mother of Mercy Blue A | St. Elizabeth Gym | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/16/2024 6:17:02 PM |
| 10/16/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Ave Maria Blue A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/16/2024 6:17:56 PM |
| 10/16/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | Ave Maria Blue A @ Holy Cross Blue Hawks A | Holy Cross | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/17/2024 4:56:40 AM |
| 10/16/2024 | Wed | 6:30 PM | JV | St. Louise Green A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/16/2024 4:54:51 PM |
| 10/16/2024 | Wed | 7:30 PM | Varsity | St. Louise Green A @ St. Kilian Green A | St. Kilian | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/16/2024 6:18:21 PM |
| 10/18/2024 | Fri | 6:30 PM | JV | Sacred Heart White A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/18/2024 6:40:01 PM |
| 10/18/2024 | Fri | 7:30 PM | Varsity | Sacred Heart White A @ Sacred Heart Black A | Sacred Heart Act. Bld | Section | 0-2 | Past | | 10/18/2024 6:40:25 PM |
| 10/18/2024 | Fri | 7:00 PM | JV | Seelos Blue A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/18/2024 6:54:59 PM |
| 10/18/2024 | Fri | 8:00 PM | Varsity | Seelos Blue A @ South Hills Catholic Blue A | SHCA Gym at St. Anne | Section | 2-0 | Past | | 10/18/2024 6:55:24 PM |