Gym Information
Pine Richland Middle School

Address:   100 Logan Rd. Gibsonia, Pa. 15044  (Google map to get directions)
Directions:   From I-79: Take the PA-910 exit, exit number 73, towards Wexford. Turn onto PA-910 East (Orange Belt), and go East for about 5 Miles. Turn left onto Babcock Blvd.  Turn left onto Logan Rd. The school is in front of you past the stop sign.  Use the main doors; the gym is on the right after entering the school.

From Turnpike Exit 39 (old exit 4): Exit I-76, Pennsylvania Tpke via ramp at sign reading "Exit 39 PA-8 to Pittsburgh / Butler". Keep right at the fork in the ramp. Bear right on PA-8,William Flynn Hwy and go North.  Go about two miles and turn left onto Route 910 West (Post office, Sunoco, and Eckerd on corners).  Turn right onto Babcock Blvd.   Turn left onto Logan Rd.  The school is in front of you past the stop sign.  Use the main doors; the gym is on the right after entering the school.

From the south on Rt. 8: If you are coming on Rt. 28, take the exit for PA-8. On Rt. 8 go North for about 10 miles.  Turn left onto Route 910 West (Post office, Sunoco, and Eckerd on corners).  Turn right onto Babcock Blvd.   Turn left onto Logan Rd.  The school is in front of you past the stop sign.  Use the main doors; the gym is on the right after entering the school.

From the north on Rt. 8: If you are coming from Rt. 8 north, continue until the intersection with route PA-910, Turn right onto Route 910 West (Post office, Sunoco, and Eckerd on corners).  Turn right onto Babcock Blvd.   Turn left onto Logan Rd.  The school is in front of you past the stop sign.  Use the main doors; the gym is on the right after entering the school.

McKnight Rd: Babcock Blvd also intersects McKnight Rd.  Use caution however, since Babcock Blvd snakes around McKnight and you can access the road at different points.  You want to turn onto Babcock Blvd across from Perrymont Rd. (just North of Vincentian Academy and the Northway Mall).  Take Babcock Blvd to Logan Rd.  (Logan Rd will be about a mile past the intersection of Route 910.)  Turn left onto Logan Rd.  The school is in front of you past the stop sign.  Use the main doors; the gym is on the right after entering the school.

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