Bingo - Nothing is to be scheduled in the gym from 6:00 pm on Saturdays until 6:00 pm on Sundays when there is a bingo. One exception is the January bingo (Mogielski Scholarship). They need to set up earlier than the normal bingos so the gym is off limits from 2:30 pm Saturday until 6:00 pm Sunday.
Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1, Jan 5 (Mogielski Bingo), Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 6, May 4
December 9 - Immaculate Conception - 7:00 pm Mass in the church
December 15 - Santa Breakfast - Gym off limits until noonish
January 17 - In Service Day - Gym off limits during the day
January 24 - Open House - No home or away events so kids can come to open house.
February 17 - In-Service Day - Gym off limits during the day
Fish Fry - Feb 7 through Mar 14 - Daycare in the gym from 3:15-7:15 pm
March 24 - In-Service Day - Gym off limits during the day |