Team Data Sheet

Team: Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy JV (Panthers B)
School ID: 64 | Team ID: 2655 | Data Sheet ID: 1482 Print
The Data Sheet for Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy JV (Panthers B) was last updated on 7/22/2024 at 1:24 AM by Carrie Cooke.
It was last accepted by the league on 7/22/2024 at 1:24 AM.

Edit the form and click the 'Update' button at the bottom to record your modified Team Data Sheet. The league uses this information to create sections and schedules for the upcoming season.

Make sure to include the information that is listed as required or has a * next to its label. This is the information the league needs at a minimum to organize the league.

Each JV and Varsity team for a school has its own Team Data Sheet.

Step 1 - Select Your School

Select your school from the drop down list below. If your school is not in the list contact the Web Site Administrator (412-443-5601) to have it added before you use this form. Once you make a selection the form will populate with the current information the league has on record about the school, and list the existing teams for that school.

Make sure that you select YOUR school from the list! If you work on the wrong school’s data sheet you may cause major problems with the information on the web site.

 School (required) 

Select your school from the drop down list below.


Step 2 - Choose Your School Team

Choose a school team from the choices presented. Possible choices may include (once you complete Step 1 above):

  • Existing Team – this might be a team from last season, or a new team this season that you already submitted a data sheet for and that the league already accepted. Select this to update the teams information.
  • Existing Team New – this is a new team for this season that you already submitted a data sheet for that the league has NOT ACCEPTED yet. Select this to update the teams information.
  • New Varsity Team – This Varsity team does not yet exist on the website and will be new this season. Select this to create its data sheet.
  • New JV Team – This JV team does not yet exist on the website and will be new this season. Select this to create its data sheet.

You can update the data sheets for any existing team, even if the league has already accepted it, and create data sheets for new teams.

 School Teams (required) 

For Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy select an existing team or a new team from the list:

Step 3 - Fill in School and Team Info

Fill in or update the rest of the form.

 School Information 

Enter the contact information for the School. (optional - but recommended)

Web Site
Use full web address, i.e.

 Athletic Director 

If your Athletic Director is not already listed below you can select your Athletic Director from the drop down list. If they are not in the drop down list, enter their information below.

If your school has an Athletic Director pick their name from the drop down list above, or enter their information below. (optional - but recommended)

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Enter at least one phone number for the Athletic Director
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone

 Team Nickname (required in most cases) 

Enter the Team Nickname (required in most cases). The nickname is a color and a skill level (A or B). The nickname is important when a school has multiple teams at the same level. For instance, one Varsity team at a school might have a nickname of 'White A', and a second Varsity team at the same school could have a nickname of 'Red B'. A JV team that supports a Varsity team with players must have the same nickname.


 Head Coach (required) 

If the Head Coach is not already listed below you can select a Head Coach from the drop down list. If they are not in the drop down list, enter their information below.

Pick the teams Head Coach from the drop down list above, or enter their information below (required). The mailing address is needed so the league can send information through the mail. Include at least one phone number, and an email address is strongly recommended.

*First Name
Middle Name
*Last Name
Enter at least one phone number for the Head Coach
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone

 Assistant Coach 

If the Assistant Coach is not already listed below you can select an Assistant Coach from the drop down list. If they are not in the list, enter their information below. If you include an Assistant Coach, make sure to enter the required information

*First Name
Middle Name
*Last Name
Enter at least one phone number for the Assistant Coach
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone

 Home Gym and Match Days (required) 

Select your teams Home Gym from the drop down list below. If your gym is not on the list enter its name and address in the Notes field at the bottom of the form (required).

*Home Gym

Cannot Play Dates

You can enter up to 3 dates that your team cannot play. You can select dates by clicking the calendar button. If you type the date the format is MM/DD/YYYY. The league needs to know these dates for scheduling and will not schedule your team on these dates (optional).

1 4
2 5
3 6

Prefer Not To Play Dates

You can enter up to 3 dates that your team would prefer not to play. You can select dates by clicking the calendar button. If you type the date the format is MM/DD/YYYY. The league will try to not schedule your team on these dates (optional).

1 4
2 5
3 6



Enter any additional information that would be useful to the league coordinators, such as a gym name and address that does not appear in the Home Gym drop down list, or any game scheduling restrictions you have. Provide a justification for your game scheduling restrictions.

Step 4 - Submit the Data Sheet

The Data Sheet for Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy JV (Panthers B) was last updated on 7/22/2024 at 1:24 AM by Carrie Cooke.
It was last accepted by the league on 7/22/2024 at 1:24 AM.

Before clicking the Update button you MUST enter your name, phone number and/or your email address. The league coordinator may contact you to verify the information on the form.

Submitter Information


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