Coaching Clearances and Pledge

All active volunteers must work through the Diocese of Pittsburgh’s process for the Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults. The process is a combination of state and diocesan clearance requirements.

First, go to the Diocese of Pittsburgh website at You will need to complete the 5 steps.

  1. Click on Safe Environment Database/PA State Police Clearance/Code of Pastoral Conduct/Child Protective Services Law. First time users select 'click here' to create a username and password. The access code is "PROTECT". Fill out the rest of the form in its entirety and be sure to click "Save" and "Submit" at the end. Once you have created your username and password you will then log in and complete each of the links for your application.
  2. Child Abuse History Clearance. You may complete the on-line application through the link provided, after setting up a Username (Keystone ID) and Password with the state. This is the quickest way to receive the certificate, typically anywhere from 48 hours to 2 weeks. When the clearance has been processed, you will be notified and can print a copy to provide to your school. If you prefer, you may print the application and accompanying release form, fill out both in their entirety, sign, date, and drop off to the school office. The school can then have them processed and the certificate will be sent directly to them.
  3. FBI Clearance or Waiver. If you have lived in the State of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, please print the Disclosure Statement, sign and date with a witness (family member, friend, co-worker), and return to your school. If you have not lived in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years you will need to follow the appropriate link to locate a fingerprinting center, register, and schedule an appointment. Once you have received your clearance, you will need to provide a copy to your school.
  4. Protecting God’s Children. You may complete an on-line session or attend a workshop in the area. The workshop typically takes approximately 1 hour. Once completed please make a copy of your certificate of participation and provide to your school.
  5. Mandated Reporter Training. Complete an online workshop or attend a live class as necessary depending on your volunteer function/activity. This session takes at least 3 hours. If completed on-line, you are able to stop and start at your convenience; it will hold your place. Once completed, please make a copy of your certificate of participation and give it to your school.

If you have questions, you should contact your schools Safe Environment Coordinator.

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