School Information
St. Therese (Munhall)

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  • School
  • Varsity Tigers
    Section 1
  • JV Tigers
    Section 1

St. Therese (Munhall)

1 St. Therese Ct., Munhall, PA 15120  (Google map)



Web Site:

Athletic Director:
Jeremy Kelley, 412-606-1928 (c),

Listed below are the UPDATED policies and procedures (as of 9/1/22) for the St Therese (Munhall) school gymnasium:

  • The gym doors will open 30 minutes prior to the first game and close 15 minutes after completion of the final game.
  • Please DO NOT park in any numbered spaces as those spaces belong to the residents of St. Therese Plaza (High Rise) adjacent to the school.   
  • Admission fees for the 2022-2023 season will be $4 for Adults, $2 for Seniors and FREE for Children 18 and under.
  • Our Snack Shack will be OPEN for the 2022-2023 season and will include drinks, snacks and limited hot food options.
  • Due to recent renovations, there is no longer a Visitor's Locker Room, however there is a designated area at the end of the bench for equipment and team meetings or huddles.

Updated: 2/26/2025, 5:02 PM

Varsity TigersTeam Calendar

Section 1

Head Coach:
Pat Peterson, 412-292-3502 (c),,

Assistant Coach:
Chris Lawson, 412-944-3630 (h),

Home Gym:
St. Therese (Munhall)
Address: Saint Therese Court, Munhall, PA 15120  (Google map)

St. Therese (Munhall) Varsity Tigers match schedule

Rows of this color indicate unscheduled matches, which have a date of '1900/01/01'. A start time of TBD (to be determined) means the start time is unknown - contact the home team for the correct start time. Rows of this color indicate past matches. Rows of this color indicate today's matches. Rows of this color indicate future matches. Hold your cursor over the 'Team' and 'Played At' names to highlight links.

Matches that are not league Section games (Scrimmages, Non-Section, Tournament) can appear on this schedule. They may have been entered by an opponent or a league section representative. Use care when editing these matches - make sure the opponent knows of any changes.

DateDayStart TimeTeamsPlayed AtTypeScore (V-H)
3/27/2025Thu7:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ South Hills Catholic Academy SaintsSHCA Gym at St. AnneSectionW-2-0
3/31/2025Mon7:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ Ave Maria Academy BlueAve Maria AcademySection
4/2/2025Wed7:30 PMSt. Louise de Marillac White @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
4/7/2025Mon7:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ Archangel Gabriel BlueArchangel GabrielSection
4/11/2025Fri8:00 PMGuardian Angel Academy Gold @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
4/23/2025Wed7:30 PMHoly Cross Academy Blue Hawks @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
4/28/2025Mon7:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ Guardian Angel Academy BlackGuardian Angel AcademySection
5/1/2025Thu7:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ St. Louise de Marillac GreenSt. Louise de MarillacSection
5/2/2025Fri8:00 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ St. Gregory WolvesSt. GregorySection
5/5/2025Mon7:30 PMMother of Mercy Academy Green @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
5/9/2025Fri7:30 PMBlessed Francis Seelos Academy Blue @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section

JV TigersTeam Calendar

Section 1

Head Coach:
DJ Gallucci, 412-897-2643 (c),

Assistant Coach:
Jeremy Kelley, 412-606-1928 (c),

Home Gym:
St. Therese (Munhall)
Address: Saint Therese Court, Munhall, PA 15120  (Google map)

St. Therese (Munhall) JV Tigers match schedule

Rows of this color indicate unscheduled matches, which have a date of '1900/01/01'. A start time of TBD (to be determined) means the start time is unknown - contact the home team for the correct start time. Rows of this color indicate past matches. Rows of this color indicate today's matches. Rows of this color indicate future matches. Hold your cursor over the 'Team' and 'Played At' names to highlight links.

Matches that are not league Section games (Scrimmages, Non-Section, Tournament) can appear on this schedule. They may have been entered by an opponent or a league section representative. Use care when editing these matches - make sure the opponent knows of any changes.

DateDayStart TimeTeamsPlayed AtTypeScore (V-H)
3/27/2025Thu6:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ South Hills Catholic Academy SaintsSHCA Gym at St. AnneSectionL-0-2
3/31/2025Mon6:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ Ave Maria Academy BlueAve Maria AcademySectionW-2-1
4/2/2025Wed6:30 PMSt. Louise de Marillac White @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
4/11/2025Fri7:00 PMGuardian Angel Academy Gold @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
4/11/2025Fri6:00 PMGuardian Angel Academy White @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)SectionW-0-1
4/14/2025Mon6:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ St. Louise de Marillac GoldSt. Louise de MarillacSection
4/28/2025Mon6:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ Guardian Angel Academy BlackGuardian Angel AcademySection
5/1/2025Thu6:30 PMSt. Therese (Munhall) Tigers @ St. Louise de Marillac GreenSt. Louise de MarillacSection
5/5/2025Mon6:30 PMMother of Mercy Academy Green @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section
5/9/2025Fri6:30 PMBlessed Francis Seelos Academy Blue @ St. Therese (Munhall) TigersSt. Therese (Munhall)Section

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