| 4310 | Anselmino, Matt | | 412-779-5049 | | anselmino.fc@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Aquinas |
| 4096 | Bakos, Bob | | 412-926-2129 | | robjan714@comcast.net | Section Rep., South 1A | |
| 4270 | Baldasare, Andrew | | 412-559-9228 | | andrew.baldasare@shcacademy.com | Athletic Director | South Hills Catholic |
| 4220 | Baldonieri, Joy | | 724-840-5497 | | joystarliper@yahoo.com, baldonierij@upmc.edu | Web Site Updater | Ave Maria |
| 4155 | Ball, Ashley | | 215-847-0615 | | avbashley@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Sacred Heart |
| 4241 | Bandurski, Corey | 412-303-1874 | 412-303-1874 | | Bird6613@yahoo.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Blessed Trinity |
| 3545 | Barr, David | | 412-334-2553 | 412-242-3515 | principal@stbca.net | Principal Athletic Director Basketball Coordinator | Sr. Thea Bowman |
| 3039 | Bernacki, James P | | 412-996-6984 | | jbernacki@carrassociates.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Divine Mercy |
| 4253 | BIRCHOK, JOHN | | | | birchoksports@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Gregory |
| 3947 | Birchok, Jonathan | | 412-994-0768 | | birchoksports@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Gregory |
| 4246 | Blatt, Chris | | 412-715-4011 | | cstuckeman@gmail.com | Athletic Director | Archangel Gabriel |
| 4245 | Bouvy, Jeff | | 412-758-5400 | | jeffdbouvy@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Sacred Heart |
| 4094 | Brady, Sue | | 412-979-2795 | | bradys98@aol.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Mother of Mercy |
| 4251 | Brode, Anna | 724-708-7793 | | | annabrode2@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Holy Sepulcher |
| 4323 | Bromley, Andrew | | 717-805-9084 | | basketball@ssppbeaver.com | Basketball Coordinator | Sts Peter & Paul |
| 2906 | Bulger, Meg | | 412-901-6584 | | megbulger410@yahoo.com | Head Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, Varsity | Sacred Heart |
| 4226 | Butterfield, John | | 412-877-1710 | | b.jz@outlook.com | Athletic Director | Ave Maria |
| 4053 | Byrne, Julie | | 412-855-7572 | | juliebyrne@roadrunner.com | Girls Basketball Coordinator | Seelos |
| 3920 | Bzorek, Joe | | 724-355-4208 | | jbzorek@zoominternet.net | Head Coach, Varsity | Butler Catholic |
| 4131 | Campfield, Meghan | | 412-601-1919 | | mcmanus.meghan@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Bede |
| 1590 | Carmody, Chris | | 412-580-8240 | | carmodyc@upmc.edu | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Kilian |
| 4238 | Carnicella, Joe | | | | jrcarnicella@gmail.com, skcsaa_president@saintkilian.org | Basketball Coordinator | St. Kilian |
| 3548 | Chimenti, Tom | | 412-841-6906 | | tchimenti@woundedwarriorproject.org | Head Coach, JV | Seelos |
| 3401 | Chirdon, Mary | | 412-216-6774 | | chirdonpa@yahoo.com | Athletic Director | Holy Family |
| 4171 | Cloonan, Shawn | | 412-606-1057 | | shawn.cloonan@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Northside Cath-Assum |
| 3121 | Colasante, Nick | 412-780-4108 | 412-780-4108 | | nicholas.colasante@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Holy Cross |
| 4090 | Collins, Bill | | 412-779-1581 | | bcollins@fivestardrywall.net | Head Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 4240 | Collins, Graham | | 814-758-5124 | | Grahamcollins2596@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Holy Family |
| 4260 | Collins, Hilary | | 814-758-8918 | | hilarycollins01@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Holy Family |
| 3981 | Conroy, Sarah | | 412-849-7185 | | sarahlconroy@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Ave Maria |
| 4123 | Correll, Jim | | 412-997-7974 | 724-586-5022 | principal@holysepulcher.org | Principal | Holy Sepulcher |
| 3960 | Davison, Tim | | 412-585-3206 | | Timothy.Davison@sae.org | Assistant Coach, JV | Seelos |
| 3911 | Del Tondo, Anthony | | 724-263-2411 | | athleticdirector@olofschool.com | Athletic Director | OLF |
| 4242 | DelTondo, Tony | | 724-263-2411 | | athleticdirector@olofschool.com | Head Coach, Varsity | OLF |
| 3628 | DeWitt, Jen | | 814-883-0008 | 724-444-0722 | dewitt@aquinasacademy-pittsburgh.org | Coordinator | Aquinas |
| 4288 | DiFonso, Karlie | | 724-469-1284 | 724-258-3199 | mcrsathletics@madonnacatholic.org | Athletic Director | Madonna Regional |
| 2145 | DiLonardo, Marie | 724-327-9664 | 724-396-5332 | | dilonardosjbs@gmail.com | Principal | Holy Family |
| 3691 | Downey, Mandi | | 412-559-2614 | | mandidowney1133@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Seelos |
| 2857 | Duffy, Sheila | | 412-260-7662 | | smburke11@yahoo.com | Athletic Director | Holy Cross |
| 417 | Dunn, Sue | | 724-986-9601 | | jfkathletics@jfkcatholic.com | Athletic Director | JFK |
| 2954 | Eckenrode, Joshua | | 412-287-9124 | | joshua@eckenrode.com | Athletic Director | St. Louise |
| 4081 | Egan, Pat | | 724-554-2179 | | ssppathletics@ssppbeaver.com | Athletic Director | Sts Peter & Paul |
| 4252 | espey, brian | | | | brian.espey@innovatusimaging.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Gregory |
| 4133 | Evo, Hannah | | 810-407-1775 | | hevomi@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Bede |
| 4317 | Farrand, Jennifer | | | | principal@sbtmschool.org | Principal | St. Ben Moor |
| 4188 | Foley, Katie | | | | katiefoley630@icloud.com | Referee Assigner | |
| 1596 | Friel, Matt | 724-712-6157 | 724-712-6157 | | asufriel@msn.com | Web Site Updater | Butler Catholic |
| 4185 | Frye, Kevin | | | 412-364-7171 | principal@holycrossacademypgh.org | Principal | Holy Cross |
| 3718 | Fuchs, Dave | 412-235-5404 | | | dfuchs@fuchslawoffice.com | Head Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | Guardian Angel |
| 3909 | Gaertner, Peter | | 412-559-7607 | | pgaert511@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Seelos |
| 3191 | Gallo, Joe | | 412-596-1385 | | gallold@gmail.com | Girls Basketball Program Director | St. Louise |
| 4048 | Gapinski, Andy | | 724-448-5333 | | andy.gapinski@gmail.com | Athletic Director | Butler Catholic |
| 4156 | Gapinski, Ashley | | 814-441-4964 | | ashley.rumbaugh@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Butler Catholic |
| 4132 | Gartner, Joe | | | | jgartner88@hotmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Bede |
| 4320 | Gasperini, Ali | | | | aligasperini@hotmail.com | Girls Basketball Coordinator | Ave Maria |
| 2775 | Gauntner, Brian | | 412-523-2299 | | jbgauntner@comcast.net | Athletic Director Head Coach, Varsity | St. James (Sew) |
| 3593 | Gauntner, Jen | | 412-523-2299 | | jbgaunter@comcast.net | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. James (Sew) |
| 3757 | Graham, Liz | 412-601-0741 | | | lizgraham32@aol.com | Athletic Director Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | Mary of Nazareth |
| 685 | Greb, Pat | 412-531-2579 | | | patgreb@comcast.net | Girls Basketball JV League Coordinator | |
| 2416 | Guy, Samantha Jean | | 412-499-0629 | | sunger28@yahoo.com | Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | South Hills Catholic |
| 2951 | Harmanos, Mark | | | | mark7669@zoominternet.net | Director of Cross Country | St. Gregory |
| 3922 | Harris, Jovan | | 412-537-3965 | | harris_jovan@yahoo.com | Athletic Director | Guardian Angel |
| 3976 | Hirst, Hannah | | 412-651-0988 | | hirst@aquinasacademy-pittsburgh.org | Head Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, JV | Aquinas |
| 2844 | Hubbell, Vanessa | 724-816-4596 | | | athleticdirector@holysepulcher.org | Section Rep., North 1B Athletic Director Assistant Coach, Varsity | Holy Sepulcher |
| 4089 | Huemrich, Katie | | 412-680-1624 | | kkendall024@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Louise |
| 3476 | Hutelmyer, Andy | | 412-228-7999 | | hutelmyer@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Kilian |
| 4255 | Ifft, John | | 412-848-8662 | | john@ifftpalmer.com | Assistant Coach, JV | CDTCA |
| 4264 | jobe-shamonsky, Sarah | | 412-398-5880 | | sshamonsky@sbtmschool.org | Athletic Director | St. Ben Moor |
| 4099 | Kamer, Joe | | | | projoe1287@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Monica |
| 4097 | Kaminsky, Adrianne | | 412-974-8780 | | athletics@saintmonicaacademy.org | Athletic Director | St. Monica |
| 4249 | Kane, Chris | | 412-535-3956 | | christopherkane@live.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Seelos |
| 4263 | Karafa, Kayla | | 412-622-4053 | | kaylakarafa@icolud.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Therese |
| 3449 | Kaverman, Ryan | | 814-460-2450 | | kavermanryan@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | Sacred Heart |
| 3997 | Kayda, Tom | | 412-977-6902 | | kayda@aquinasacademy-pittsburgh.org | Athletic Director | Aquinas |
| 4200 | Kelley, Jeremy | | 412-606-1928 | | jeremymkelley@gmail.com | Athletic Director Head Coach, Varsity Head Coach, JV | St. Therese |
| 3694 | Kelly, Matt | | 412-818-3037 | | matthewhkelly@gmail.com | Athletic Director Girls Varsity BBall Representative Head Coach, Varsity | Sacred Heart |
| 3755 | Kendall, Bert | | 724-554-2757 | | bert.kendall@icloud.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Louise |
| 4325 | Kessler, Jennifer | | 412-897-8503 | | saberspresident@dmapgh.org | Athletic Director | Divine Mercy |
| 3871 | King, Bryan | | 412-725-9033 | | drbryanking@me.com | Athletic Director | Prov. Heights |
| 4311 | Koble, Brian | | 724-622-1755 | | BjKoble@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Aquinas |
| 3459 | Kovell, Ashlee | | | | ackovell@comcast.net | Assistant Coach, JV | OLF |
| 2360 | Kovell, Chris | | 412-582-9951 | | ackovell@comcast.net | Head Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | OLF |
| 3631 | Kraska, JJ | | 412-728-5188 | | ad@motherofmercyacademy.org | Athletic Director Assistant Coach, JV | Mother of Mercy |
| 3499 | Kraus, Jennifer | | 412-478-9775 | | jlk5386@live.com | Head Coach, JV | Ave Maria |
| 3902 | Kreter, Natalie | | | 267-250-8795 | nmkreter@hotmail.com | Athletic Director Head Coach, Varsity | St. Bede |
| 3254 | Krueger, Leslie | | | | Lkrueger@motherofmercyacademy.org | Principal | Mother of Mercy |
| 3807 | Kwiatkowski, Rosanne | | | | principal@sbtmschool.org | Principal | Northside Cath-Assum |
| 4004 | Lenigan, Amy | | 412-737-5498 | | amy.lenigan@va.gov | Director Girls Basketball | Guardian Angel |
| 3447 | Lippert, Lindsay | | 412-721-3905 | | llindsay624@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | Ave Maria |
| 4215 | Luka, Chris | | 412-327-7605 | | luka731@yahoo.com | Athletic Director Assistant Coach, JV | Blessed Trinity |
| 3693 | Mascaro, Erin | | | | emascaro@sacredheartpgh.org | Principal | Sacred Heart |
| 4319 | Massaro, Stephanie | | 412-996-4622 | | svbernaciak@aol.com | Girls Basketball Coordinator | Ave Maria |
| 4248 | McCabe, Kevin | | 724-591-0963 | | krmccabe12@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Seelos |
| 4258 | McClelland, Tim | | | | timanddorothy1@verizon.net | Assistant Coach, JV | Holy Cross |
| 4262 | McDonough, Kevin | | 412-952-2076 | | kevinmcdonough22@yahoo.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Kilian |
| 4236 | McGovern, Terry | | 412-726-3395 | | sstrophy@aol.com | Head Coach, JV | Archangel Gabriel |
| 4071 | Merilli, Miranda | | 814-935-8233 | | dmasabers@dmapgh.org | AA Secretary Web Site Updater | Divine Mercy |
| 4002 | Militzer, Don | | | 412-882-3353 | don@srcespgh.org | Diocese Athletic Director Principal | Ave Maria |
| 3267 | Miller, Corey | | 724-496-1605 | | cjmiller341@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Kilian |
| 4309 | Mitros, David | | 724-612-3852 | | mitrosdj@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Aquinas |
| 3701 | Moe, Matt | | 412-519-8540 | | mattmoe@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Bede |
| 4237 | Monaco, Chris | | 724-996-2874 | | cmonaco@co.butler.pa.us | Head Coach, JV | Butler Catholic |
| 4223 | Monaco, Liz | | 724-991-6000 | | lfmonaco25@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Butler Catholic |
| 4051 | Moritz, Kristen | | 412-335-0593 | | kmoritz@gesklaw.com | Athletic Director Web Site Updater | Seelos |
| 4322 | Moyer, Krista | | 724-774-4450 | | kmoyer@ssppbeaver.com | Principal | Sts Peter & Paul |
| 2828 | Munz, Robert | | | 412-922-4765 | rmunz@guardianangelacademy.org | Principal | Guardian Angel |
| 4259 | Newell, Mike | | 412-443-1219 | | mike.newell.prb2@statefarm.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Bede |
| 4100 | O'Malley, John | | | | jomalley@ncaacademynow.org | Athletic Director | Northside Cath-Assum |
| 3926 | Offi, Pat | | 412-913-2854 | | pjoffi@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Kilian |
| 3914 | Paschel, Jason | 724-579-3416 | | | paschelj@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Blessed Trinity |
| 4254 | Petrick, Ryan | | 724-622-9114 | | ketteringkid@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Sts Peter & Paul |
| 4050 | Piaggesi, Cara | | 412-303-8010 | | carapiaggesi@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Guardian Angel |
| 3542 | Polivka, Stan | | 412-512-3838 | | sdpolivka@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Seelos |
| 4314 | Prag, Kevin | | 724-705-4307 | | skpsaa_president@saintkilian.org | Athletic Director | St. Kilian |
| 934 | Raybuck, Annie | | | 724-846-5955 | office@dmacademy.com | Principal | St. Monica |
| 3627 | Rechtorik, Charity | | 412-979-8198 | | cfb118@hotmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Holy Cross |
| 3925 | Risley, Paige | | 412-559-2499 | | paigee.risley@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Mother of Mercy |
| 533 | Roczko, Phil | | 412-877-9694 | | proczko@hotmail.com | Section Rep., North 1A | |
| 4312 | Rossi, Toni | | 724-814-7949 | | Anthonyfrancisrossi@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Aquinas |
| 4172 | Rossman, Nathan | | | | | Principal | St. Gregory |
| 3561 | Rottmann, Hans | | 412-779-1196 | 412-779-1196 | mollyhans@msn.com | School Sports Coordinator | Blessed Trinity |
| 2410 | Ruggles, Renee | | 412-523-1593 | | reneer@lesker.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Therese |
| 4256 | Rukas, Joe | | 724-822-3370 | | joe.rukas@blackburnsmed.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | CDTCA |
| 3294 | Sandidge, Gerald | 412-586-4870 | | | sandidgegagk@aol.com | Head Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, Varsity Head Coach, JV Assistant Coach, JV | Carlow |
| 3823 | Sawyer, Steve | | 724-747-7164 | | sgsawyerjr@aol.com | Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | JFK |
| 3994 | Scaltz, Jim | | 724-831-9037 | | jscaltz@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Kilian |
| 4168 | Schacht, Brittany L | | 412-773-0678 | | britt.schacht@icloud.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Northside Cath-Assum |
| 3773 | Seifert, Julie | | 412-780-4656 | | sttheresetigers@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Therese |
| 3448 | Smigielski, Steve | | 412-735-1058 | | smigs@comcast.net | Head Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, JV | Ave Maria |
| 4091 | Smith, Johnathan | | 412-805-0615 | | jonathan.f.smith@hotmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Ave Maria |
| 4121 | Spagnolo, Vince | | 412-804-8515 | | vincentspagnolo@hotmail.com | Basketball Director | Holy Cross |
| 2611 | Stephans, Justin | 412-719-9609 | | | stephjg33@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Divine Mercy |
| 3632 | Stewart, Harmony | | | | hstewart@shcacademy.com | Principal | South Hills Catholic |
| 3698 | Straub, Matt | | 585-455-4911 | | mjstraub@yahoo.com | Head Coach, JV | Blessed Trinity |
| 4079 | Taylor, Alexis | | 412-506-1754 | | alexis.tay35@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | South Hills Catholic |
| 3275 | Torboli, Bambi | 724-355-0693 | 724-355-0693 | | bambino1221@yahoo.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Gregory |
| 3751 | Torboli, Nate | | 724-263-2250 | | athleticdirector@stgregzelie.org, ntorboli13@hotmail.com | Athletic Director | St. Gregory |
| 491 | Unger, Rich | | 412-443-5601 | | runger@shcacademy.com, runger@2badcats.com | Section Rep., South 1B Web Developer Web Site Updater Assistant Coach, Varsity | South Hills Catholic |
| 686 | Vallecorsa, Chris | 412-782-2861 | | | cvallecors@comcast.net | Girls Basketball Varsity League Coordinator | |
| 4243 | Walsh, Meg | | 412-720-4574 | | walshmeg@yahoo.com | Athletic Director | Carlow |
| 3901 | Weldon, Andy | | | | aweldon@sbtmschool.org | Assist. Athletic Director | St. Ben Moor |
| 4308 | Yakich, Alec | | | | alecyakich@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Sts Peter & Paul |
| 3923 | Yuhas, David | | 412-848-9104 | | dyuhas@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Guardian Angel |
| 4070 | Zagacki, Briana | | 215-317-5740 | | briana_2835@yahoo.com | Girls JV BBall Representative | Sacred Heart |
| 4202 | Zampogna, Ron | 412-874-0120 | 412-874-0120 | | ronzii@yahoo.com | Athletic Director Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | CDTCA |
| 3626 | Zickefoose, Annie | | 412-478-6881 | | anne.zickefoose@yahoo.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Holy Cross |
| 3912 | Zottola, Laura | | 412-889-1411 | | laura_tomei@hotmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Archangel Gabriel |
| 4247 | Zottola, Sal | | 412-334-6616 | | szottola1@verizon.net | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Archangel Gabriel |
| 3113 | Zukowski, Mike | | 412-952-6606 | | mzukowski@foxrothschild.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Louise |