School Information
Butler Catholic

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  • School
  • Varsity Saints Varsity
    North 1A
  • JV JV Saints
    North 1A

Butler Catholic

515 E. Locust St., Butler, PA 16001  (Google map)



Web Site:

Athletic Director:
Andy Gapinski, 724-448-5333 (c),

Coordinators/Reps for this League

Web Site Updater:
Matt Friel, 724-712-6157 (h), 724-712-6157 (c),

Varsity Saints VarsityTeam Calendar

North 1A

Head Coach:
Joe Bzorek, 724-355-4208 (c),

Assistant Coach:
Ashley Gapinski, 814-441-4964 (c),

Home Gym:
Butler Catholic
Address: 515 E Locust St., Butler, PA 16001  (Google map)

Butler Catholic Varsity Saints Varsity game schedule

Rows of this color indicate unscheduled games, which have a date of '1900/01/01'. A start time of TBD (to be determined) means the start time is unknown - contact the home team for the correct start time. Rows of this color indicate past games. Rows of this color indicate today's games. Rows of this color indicate future games. Hold your cursor over the 'Team' and 'Played At' names to highlight links.

Games that are not league Section games (Scrimmages, Non-Section, Tournament) can appear on this schedule. They may have been entered by an opponent or a league section representative. Use care when editing these games - make sure the opponent knows of any changes.

DateDayStart TimeTeamsPlayed AtTypeScore (V-H)
12/11/2024Wed7:45 PMButler Catholic Saints Varsity @ St. Kilian Celtics 1stSt. KilianSectionL-12-49
12/14/2024Sat8:15 PMButler Catholic Saints Varsity @ Aquinas Academy Crusaders 1stAquinas AcademySectionW-17-13
12/16/2024Mon7:45 PMBlessed Francis Seelos Academy Saints 1st @ Butler Catholic Saints VarsityButler CatholicSectionL-44-18
12/17/2024Tue7:45 PMButler Catholic Saints Varsity @ Sacred Heart Crusaders 1stSacred Heart Parish - Msgr. Keane Activities BuildingSectionL-14-19
12/21/2024Sat4:00 PMHoly Cross Academy Hawks @ Butler Catholic Saints VarsityButler CatholicSectionL-36-21
1/4/2025Sat4:00 PMSacred Heart Crusaders 1st @ Butler Catholic Saints VarsityButler CatholicSectionL-27-16
1/11/2025Sat4:00 PMSt. Kilian Celtics 1st @ Butler Catholic Saints VarsityButler CatholicSectionL-51-18
1/18/2025Sat4:00 PMAquinas Academy Crusaders 1st @ Butler Catholic Saints VarsityButler CatholicSectionW-19-27
1/25/2025Sat11:45 AMButler Catholic Saints Varsity @ Holy Cross Academy HawksHoly CrossSectionL-31-35
2/1/2025Sat4:30 PMButler Catholic Saints Varsity @ Blessed Francis Seelos Academy Saints 1stSeelos Academy Ryan CenterSectionL-15-41

JV JV SaintsTeam Calendar

North 1A

Head Coach:
Chris Monaco, 724-996-2874 (c),

Assistant Coach:
Liz Monaco, 724-991-6000 (c),

Home Gym:
Butler Catholic
Address: 515 E Locust St., Butler, PA 16001  (Google map)

Butler Catholic JV JV Saints game schedule

Rows of this color indicate unscheduled games, which have a date of '1900/01/01'. A start time of TBD (to be determined) means the start time is unknown - contact the home team for the correct start time. Rows of this color indicate past games. Rows of this color indicate today's games. Rows of this color indicate future games. Hold your cursor over the 'Team' and 'Played At' names to highlight links.

Games that are not league Section games (Scrimmages, Non-Section, Tournament) can appear on this schedule. They may have been entered by an opponent or a league section representative. Use care when editing these games - make sure the opponent knows of any changes.

DateDayStart TimeTeamsPlayed AtTypeScore (V-H)
12/11/2024Wed6:30 PMButler Catholic JV Saints @ St. Kilian Celtics 1stSt. KilianSectionL-0-1
12/14/2024Sat7:00 PMButler Catholic JV Saints @ Aquinas Academy Crusaders 1stAquinas AcademySectionL-4-35
12/16/2024Mon6:30 PMBlessed Francis Seelos Academy Saints 1st @ Butler Catholic JV SaintsButler CatholicSectionL-32-2
12/17/2024Tue6:30 PMButler Catholic JV Saints @ Sacred Heart Crusaders 1stSacred Heart Parish - Msgr. Keane Activities BuildingSectionL-4-36
1/4/2025Sat2:45 PMSacred Heart Crusaders 1st @ Butler Catholic JV SaintsButler CatholicSectionL-27-2
1/11/2025Sat2:45 PMSt. Kilian Celtics 1st @ Butler Catholic JV SaintsButler CatholicSectionL-1-0
1/18/2025Sat2:45 PMAquinas Academy Crusaders 1st @ Butler Catholic JV SaintsButler CatholicSectionL-1-0
1/25/2025Sat10:30 AMButler Catholic JV Saints @ Holy Cross Academy HawksHoly CrossSectionL-5-26
2/1/2025Sat2:45 PMHoly Cross Academy Hawks @ Butler Catholic JV SaintsButler CatholicSectionL-1-0
2/1/2025Sat3:15 PMButler Catholic JV Saints @ Blessed Francis Seelos Academy Saints 1stSeelos Academy Ryan CenterSectionL-0-1

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