| 4270 | Baldasare, Andrew | | 412-559-9228 | | andrew.baldasare@shcacademy.com | Athletic Director Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | South Hills Catholic |
| 4220 | Baldonieri, Joy | | 724-840-5497 | | joystarliper@yahoo.com, baldonierij@upmc.edu | Web Site Updater | Ave Maria |
| 2979 | Barrett, Lauren | | | | laurenbarrett1203@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Mother of Mercy |
| 3670 | Batts, Jason | 412-848-4909 | | | jbatts29@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Guardian Angel |
| 1995 | Bertrand, Tom | | 412-370-6156 | | thomaspbertrand@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Louise |
| 3947 | Birchok, Jonathan | | 412-994-0768 | | birchoksports@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Gregory |
| 2006 | Boehm, Steve | 412-885-0748 | 412-852-1864 | | slboehm@verizon.net | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Mother of Mercy |
| 4226 | Butterfield, John | | 412-877-1710 | | b.jz@outlook.com | Athletic Director | Ave Maria |
| 4123 | Correll, Jim | | 412-997-7974 | 724-586-5022 | principal@holysepulcher.org | Principal | Holy Sepulcher |
| 4178 | Culp, Brian | | 319-427-0372 | | bmculp@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 3375 | Curry, Jeff | | 412-287-8996 | | curryj@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Archangel Gabriel |
| 3628 | DeWitt, Jen | | 814-883-0008 | 724-444-0722 | dewitt@aquinasacademy-pittsburgh.org | Coordinator | Aquinas |
| 4176 | Dick, Carla | | 412-780-4344 | | cadick3@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | Guardian Angel |
| 2857 | Duffy, Sheila | | 412-260-7662 | | smburke11@yahoo.com | Athletic Director | Holy Cross |
| 3666 | Dunn, Jessica | | 724-987-3879 | | volleyballdirector@stgregzelie.org | Director of Volleyball Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Gregory |
| 3848 | Ebersole, Haley | | 814-327-8963 | | haleymebersole@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 2954 | Eckenrode, Joshua | | 412-287-9124 | | joshua@eckenrode.com | Athletic Director | St. Louise |
| 4179 | Eismont, Sheila | | 312-282-4633 | | clarkesheil@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 3479 | Estremera, Julio | 412-670-4782 | | | juliorico75@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | Divine Mercy |
| 2084 | Estremera, Samantha Keough | | 412-670-3781 | | mikolinamax@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Divine Mercy |
| 1981 | Faller, Maria | | 412-445-9900 | | legobeaver@comcast.net | Volleyball Director Assistant Coach, Varsity | Holy Cross |
| 1596 | Friel, Matt | 724-712-6157 | 724-712-6157 | | asufriel@msn.com | Web Site Updater | Butler Catholic |
| 4185 | Frye, Kevin | | | 412-364-7171 | principal@holycrossacademypgh.org | Principal | Holy Cross |
| 2007 | Gerber, Megan | | 412-478-3920 | | mandmgerber@verizon.net | Head Coach, JV Head Coach, Varsity | Ave Maria |
| 2951 | Harmanos, Mark | | | | mark7669@zoominternet.net | Director of Cross Country | St. Gregory |
| 3922 | Harris, Jovan | | 412-537-3965 | | harris_jovan@yahoo.com | Athletic Director Assistant Coach, JV | Guardian Angel |
| 3859 | Harris, Sara | 412-377-9029 | | | rennymommy62012@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Guardian Angel |
| 2844 | Hubbell, Vanessa | 724-816-4596 | | | athleticdirector@holysepulcher.org | Athletic Director | Holy Sepulcher |
| 3476 | Hutelmyer, Andy | | 412-228-7999 | | hutelmyer@gmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Kilian |
| 4200 | Kelley, Jeremy | | 412-606-1928 | | jeremymkelley@gmail.com | Athletic Director | St. Therese |
| 3694 | Kelly, Matt | | 412-818-3037 | | matthewhkelly@gmail.com | Athletic Director | Sacred Heart |
| 2100 | Kerr, Chris | | 412-760-7764 | | pittdiovolleyball@gmail.com | Diocese Sports Coordinator | |
| 4250 | Kessler, Jennifer | | 412-897-8503 | | saberspresident@dmapgh.org | Athletic Director | Divine Mercy |
| 3631 | Kraska, JJ | | 412-728-5188 | | ad@motherofmercyacademy.org | Athletic Director | Mother of Mercy |
| 3254 | Krueger, Leslie | | | | Lkrueger@motherofmercyacademy.org | Principal | Mother of Mercy |
| 2993 | Krummert, Jim | | 412-302-1654 | | jkrummert@yahoo.com | Volleyball Coordinator | Blessed Trinity |
| 3184 | Lawson, Chris | 412-944-3630 | | | seelaw2001@yahoo.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Therese |
| 4177 | Martin, Corbett | | 724-840-0313 | | crbtmartin@outlook.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Gregory |
| 3693 | Mascaro, Erin | | | | emascaro@sacredheartpgh.org | Principal | Sacred Heart |
| 4195 | Mascaro, Steve | | 412-607-3292 | | stephenmascaro@yahoo.com | Volleyball Representative: | Sacred Heart |
| 4021 | Matts, Brian | | 412-867-0625 | | torres013@hotmail.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Guardian Angel |
| 4225 | McSwiggen, Debby | | 412-977-0425 | | debby@keystoneribbon.com | Referee Assigner | |
| 4071 | Merilli, Miranda | | 814-935-8233 | | dmasabers@dmapgh.org | AA Secretary Web Site Updater | Divine Mercy |
| 4002 | Militzer, Don | | | 412-882-3353 | don@srcespgh.org | Diocese Athletic Director Principal | Ave Maria |
| 3427 | Miller, Laura | 412-445-8825 | | | laura.miller1@verizon.net | Assistant Coach, JV Assistant Coach, Varsity | Ave Maria |
| 4051 | Moritz, Kristen | | 412-335-0593 | | kmoritz@gesklaw.com | Athletic Director Boys Volleyball Coordinator Web Site Updater | Seelos |
| 2828 | Munz, Robert | | | 412-922-4765 | rmunz@guardianangelacademy.org | Principal | Guardian Angel |
| 3183 | Peterson, Pat | | 412-292-3502 | | sttheresetigers@gmail.com, yabba0505@yahoo.com | Head Coach, Varsity | St. Therese |
| 3432 | Piner, Farrell | | 330-256-7674 | | farrellpiner@hotmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity Assistant Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 4314 | Prag, Kevin | | 724-705-4307 | | skpsaa_president@saintkilian.org | Athletic Director | St. Kilian |
| 4023 | Ray, Sara | | 970-219-5276 | | sara.r.ray@hotmail.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 4024 | Reese, Susie | | | | sbrown627@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Louise |
| 3655 | Rentz, Brandee | 724-272-4373 | | | Brandeerentz@gmail.com, brandeerentz@gmail.com | Volleyball Coordinator | St. Kilian |
| 3433 | Rossi, Jay | | 412-610-4645 | | jayrossi09@gmail.com, jay.rossi@dcsg.com | Head Coach, Varsity | Holy Cross |
| 4172 | Rossman, Nathan | | | | nrossman@stgregzelie.org | Principal | St. Gregory |
| 3561 | Rottmann, Hans | | 412-779-1196 | 412-779-1196 | mollyhans@msn.com | School Sports Coordinator | Blessed Trinity |
| 3773 | Seifert, Julie | | 412-780-4656 | | sttheresetigers@gmail.com | Assistant Coach, JV | St. Therese |
| 3425 | Sparacino, Miranda | | | | mirandasparacino@hotmail.com | Head Coach, JV | St. Gregory |
| 3632 | Stewart, Harmony | | | | hstewart@shcacademy.com | Principal | South Hills Catholic |
| 4175 | Stuckman, Charles C | | 724-272-6686 | | cstuckeman@gmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Archangel Gabriel |
| 3672 | Suchy, Charlene | | 412-260-7606 | | suchy11@comcast.net, charsuchy@gmail.com | Section Rep., Section 1 | |
| 3751 | Torboli, Nate | | 724-263-2250 | | athleticdirector@stgregzelie.org, ntorboli13@hotmail.com | Athletic Director | St. Gregory |
| 491 | Unger, Rich | | 412-443-5601 | | runger@shcacademy.com, runger@2badcats.com | Web Developer Web Site Updater | South Hills Catholic |
| 3987 | Washington, Buzz | | 412-726-8866 | | bigbuzz24@hotmail.com | Head Coach, JV | Guardian Angel |
| 3901 | Weldon, Andy | | | | aweldon@sbtmschool.org | Assist. Athletic Director | St. Ben Moor |
| 2703 | Yoder, Mike | | | | myoder1@hotmail.com | Assistant Coach, Varsity | St. Louise |
| 3891 | Zlockie, Sarah | | 412-445-7152 | | s3antonette@yahoo.com | Head Coach, JV | Seelos |